Monday, 7 November 2011


Are you…
·         Male
·         Female
How old are you?
·         15 and under
·         16-25
·         26-35
·         36-45
·         45 or older
How often do you watch a comedy film?
·         Once a week
·         More than once a week
·         Once a fortnight
·         Once a month
·         More than once a month
·         One or more times a year
·         Never
Do you prefer…
·         Cinema or watching a film at home?
What sub-genre would you prefer?
·         Romantic
·         Horror
·         Police
·         Animation
·         Other (please state)

Would you prefer …
·         Girl fight over boy or boy fights over girl.
·         Falling in love or falling out of love.
·         Love and attack or heart break from death
·         Dumb policeman saves the day or clever policeman proved wrong by dumb policemen.
·         Or write what you prefer here.

What do you like about comedy films?


What do you dislike about comedy films?

What do you look for during advertisement of a comedy film?
·         ____________________________________________________
·         ____________________________________________________
·         ____________________________________________________
·         ____________________________________________________

Thank you for taking part in this questionnaire.  

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